Central West Leadership Academy Policies & Forms
Dubbo’s New 21st Century Skills School
International Baccalaureate Admissions Policy
The Central West Leadership Academy is a school that is committed to providing a high quality education that is future focused and promotes global mindedness.
Anti-Bullying Policy
The Academy rejects all forms of bullying. No student, employee, parent, caregiver or community member should experience bullying within the learning or working environments of the Academy.
The Central West Leadership Academy is committed to providing a safe learning environment for all members of its community. The Academy is charged with the responsibility of fostering the physical, emotional, moral and educational health of students and staff within its care.
Discipline Policy
All students and staff have the right to be treated fairly and with dignity in an environment free from disruption, intimidation, harassment and discrimination. To achieve this, the school will maintain high standards of student behaviour. The principles of procedural fairness are fundamental to the implementation of these procedures.
The Central West Leadership Academy expressly prohibits the use of any form of corporal punishment or sanction that involves (or potentially involves) the use of sarcasm, demeaning language, wrongful use of power, or physical force. The CWLA staff do not explicitly or implicitly sanction the administering of corporal punishment by non-school persons, including parents, to enforce discipline at the school.
The CWLA will never exclude a student from attending another school.
Child Protection Policy
This policy sets out staff responsibilities for child protection and processes that staff must follow in relation to child protection matters. This policy applies to all staff members, which includes employees, contractors and volunteers.
Complaints Policy
The Central West Leadership Academy encourages open communication between all staff, students, parents, alumni, visitors and members of the community. In the event of a complaint, allegation, or dispute, The Central West Leadership Academy promotes a proactive and commonsense approach to dealing with the issue.
Enrolment Policy
The Academy is a selective, co-educational school which prioritises enrolments for gifted and talented students.
The Academy seeks to be representative of the local Indigenous community. As such, we aim to ensure that at least 15% of the student body will be comprised of Indigenous students.
Entry into the School will primarily be determined by the strength of each student’s application. Priority will be given in the following order:
Strength of application (including demonstrated evidence of student’s achievement in artistic / sporting / community / academic / technology leadership), and entrance interview
Where a student has a sibling at the School;
Where the student is the child of a permanent member of staff at the School;
Where a student has previously been enrolled at the School
Date the application is received
Consideration will be given to the educational, social and emotional needs of all students in a year group prior to an offer of enrolment to a new student.
The Academy Principal will interview the parent/carer(s) and the student before offering a place.
All enrolment offers are made at the discretion of the Principal.
Whistleblower Policy
This policy applies to the Central West Leadership Academy to ensure individuals who disclose wrongdoing in relation to the school can do so safely, securely and with confidence that they will be protected and supported.
Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy sets out how the School manages personal information provided to or collected by it.
The School is bound by the Australian Privacy Principles contained in the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988. In relation to health records, the School is also bound by the Health Privacy Principles which are contained in the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 (NSW) (Health Records Act).
The Academy offers courses that comply with NSW Education Standards Authority syllabuses in Years 1-12 but the school does not offer a RoSA as our school is focused on supporting students to finish Year 12.
There are two ways to get an ATAR in NSW, the HSC and the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. The Academy offers the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme which attains an ATAR for university entry. We do not offer the HSC.
Should your child choose to leave the Academy in Years 9 - 12 and enrol in another secondary school, any decision relating to their eligibility for the RoSA or HSC is a matter for the receiving school.