Key information for parents of Academy students
Daily schedule
The school day begins at 8:45am and finishes at 3:15pm.
8:30 - 8:45 Before school playground
8:45 - 9:15 Homeroom
9:15 - 10:45 Session 1
10:45 - 11:15 Recess
11:15 - 12:45 Session 2
12:45 - 1:30 Lunch
1:30 - 3:15 Session 3
3:15 - 3:45 After school pick up
3:45 - 5:00 After school activities
There is no supervision for students prior to 8:30am. Parents are not to drop their child/ren off before this time.
The school Administration Office is open each school day between the hours of:
8:30am - 4:30pm
2025 Term dates
Term 1 Mon 03 Feb - Fri 11 Apr (10 weeks)
Term 2 Tue 29 Apr - Fri 27 Jun (9 weeks)
Term 3 Tue 22 Jul - Fri 26 Sep (10 weeks)
Term 4 Mon 13 Oct - Wed 10 Dec (9 weeks)
Recess and Lunch
Recess is from 10.45am until 11.15am
Lunch is from 12.45pm until 1.30pm
Parent Handbook
Parent Referral Discount Program
At the Academy, we value community and growing our school together.
That's why we've developed our Parent Referral Discount Program.
When you personally refer friends or family with a school aged child to the Academy, and they are offered and accept a place in the school you will receive a one-off Referral Discount valued at $500 towards your own child/ren's tuition and fees.
If the family you refer has more than one child, a $200 reward for each subsequent child enrolled at the same time will also be given.
The family you refer will also receive the same reward, so you both benefit!
There is no limit on the amount of referrals you can make.
All current Academy families are eligible to receive referral discounts.
Download your Academy Referral Discount Program Nomination form below or from the parent portal.
Complete your details, and then pass the Nomination to your family or friends to fill in and attach to their completed Application for Enrolment form before returning it to the Academy’s reception for processing.
We are more than just a school - the Academy is a community. We look forward to building our school community with you, together.
Parent Portal
To approve excursion attendance and more, log in to the Parent Portal.
For student absences - please email with the following information:
Student Name
Date(s) for absence
Reason for absence (sick, travel, family matters, appointment, etc.)
Any other comment explaining the reason for absence
Canteen menu
How to order school lunch (from Relish Cafe and Catering)
Leave, exemption and medication forms can be found on our Policies & Forms page
Dress code
There is no mandatory uniform - the Academy operates on a student dress code.
The Academy complies with SunSmart recommendations which include at a minimum:
short sleeves and shorts that are around knee length; and
a broad brimmed or legionnaire style hat.
Students are to dress in a business casual / smart capacity. There will be no jeans or t-shirts, nor clothing with logos/writing.
Shorts, dresses or skirts/skorts should be approximately knee length and may be in any colour or appropriate pattern.
Collared shirts are expected and can be either a polo shirt, button up shirt or blouse.
Shoes may be either formal black school shoes or sturdy athletic sports shoes.
School pants can be in any colour or pattern and should be tailored (no track pants or leggings.)
On the day school sport is scheduled, students may choose to wear plain tracksuit pants and a plain polo shirt in any colour with sports shoes.
Sun sense
The increasing incidence of skin cancer in Australia is a matter of concern for the whole community, including schools. Australia has the highest rate of skin cancer in the world with an estimated 160,000 new cases and 1,200 deaths each year. Our school takes sun safety seriously and run programs designed to make students aware of the damaging effects of the sun.
Students are encouraged to protect their skin by:
Reducing exposure to the sun and remaining in the shade wherever possible, particularly during peak UVR times
Wearing approved brimmed hats in the playground to protect the face, neck and ears, and playing in shaded areas
Our school has a 'No hat, play in the shade' policy for recess and lunchtimes.
Sun safety is also important outside of school. Whether in the backyard or on the beach, children should wear a hat and sunscreen. By practising sun safety at home, parents and caregivers can help teachers to enforce sun safety rules in school.

“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.”
— Aristotle
Student and teacher code of conduct
Rights and responsibilities for students and teachers include:
expected standards of behaviour in the classroom, playground and while travelling to and from school
safety in and around the school and at all school activities
acceptable standards of behaviour while on excursions and participating in or attending sporting or other activities
obedience to requests from staff and others in positions of authority
adherence to the standards of dress determined by the school community
prohibition of illegal drugs, alcohol, tobacco and weapons
positive and respectful relationships between all members of the school community.
There are three types of homework :
Practise Exercises help students to remember and practice newly acquired skills - such as memorising mathematical tables, practising spelling words, writing essays and reading for pleasure.
Preparatory Homework requires students to source and read background information to prepare them for future lessons on a specific subject - such as reading an article on the Gold Rush in preparation for a lesson in Australian history.
Extension Assignments encourage students to pursue knowledge individually and imaginatively. Assignments may include writing a book review, researching local news or retrieving items from the Internet.
Safety of students
As soon as children enter the school grounds, their safety and security is one of our priorities. The NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics has found that schools are 10 times safer than the general community. This safe learning environment is maintained by a range of strategies designed to prevent violence and to promote positive relationships including: programs on conflict resolution, peer support, anti-racism programs, anti-discrimination and harassment programs, student leadership and mediation training programs. Guidelines on these programs are available from your school. We believe that school learning environments should be free from bullying and harassment. Parents/caregivers are urged to immediately report cases of bullying or harassment to the school Principal.
Child protection
We are responsible for the care and welfare of our students. Our charter is to protect young people from sexual, physical and emotional abuse, neglect and from improper conduct of a sexual nature. What checks are made?
By law, Working With Children checks are carried out on anyone working on school grounds in any capacity, this includes: paid permanent and casual staff, volunteers and contractors.
We negotiate arrangements with other state education systems to prevent paedophiles from crossing the border and getting teaching jobs in other states.
We ensure all our staff are aware of their responsibilities to report child sexual assault and improper conduct of a sexual nature by staff members against students.
We provide regular training and have mandatory updates on child protection issues.
We have a team of investigators with experience and expertise in child protection matters to respond to allegations of improper conduct by members of staff.
Since 1999, child protection education has been mandatory in all public schools. In the classroom, as part of Personal Development, Health and Physical Education, teachers educate students to recognise when they may be unsafe and how to get help.
Playground safety rules
Playground safety is an issue that affects all students and staff and a consistent approach will ensure that minimal accidents will occur. All serious accidents should be reported and noted so that, in the case of litigation against the school, the details can be readily recalled.
Use concrete areas in a sensible manner.
Stay out of classrooms unless there is a teacher present
Stay in areas designated for play
Take a seat to eat
No Hat - No Play (in sunny areas)
Play sensible, safe games
Do not play before the morning supervision
If there is a playground problem, see the teacher on duty immediately
Bicycles and Skateboards are not to be ridden in the school grounds during school hours or at school based functions.
Parent and volunteers code of conduct
All parents and caregivers who enter onto the school premises do so in the knowledge that the school community expect them to conduct themselves in an appropriate manner. The Principal has the right to deny or terminate parent help in any classroom or with any parent at any time. Please understand if this decision is made it in no way reflects upon you as an individual or the value the staff place on your contribution to the learning of our students.
Parents and Volunteers are expected:
to be outstanding role models for all students
to work under the professional direction of staff, following school policies
to speak in a kind and friendly way to all students, staff, parents and community members
to maintain confidentiality
to report any issues of concern to teachers (and not directly intervene)
to keep a safe and professional distance from all students
As Parents, caregivers and Community members we expect:
our children to be respected
our children to be safe and to feel secure
our children to be protected from inappropriate behaviours and language. Incidents between students will be dealt with in accordance with existing school discipline and welfare policies.
As helpers in the school, there may be times when private and confidential information is open to observation and perusal. Information gained from your experiences at this school must not be shared with any other person(s).
All helpers must refer questions regarding a student’s progress to the child’s teacher.
Please assist the school by signing the attendance book at the front office whenever entering the school and leaving the school for volunteering purposes. This is a Work Health and Safety mandatory requirement by the Department of Education.
Please observe that the taking of photos or videos of students is strictly prohibited.
Thank you for volunteering to support the school in this way. Your support and enthusiasm will make a difference to the students with whom you work. Helping children is very rewarding and we hope you find the role you play in supporting students satisfying and rewarding too.
Parents and Other Persons on School Grounds Code of Conduct
Schools should be places where students, staff, parents and visitors to the school should feel safe and happy. Ensuring that our school remains a pleasant and safe place for all is the responsibility of all who enter the school grounds. Parents and visitors to the school are expected to:
Treat all persons associated with the school with respect, courtesy and dignity; staff are not to be bullied, harassed or intimidated on any level.
Keep clear of all buildings and entrances;
Ensure their child/children are punctual to class;
Make appointments in advance rather than expecting to obtain an interview immediately;
Leave the grounds when requested;
Allow staff to supervise, investigate and manage students without interference;
Make complaints about the school, staff or students through the correct procedures;
Request permission to attend the school when they have a lawful excuse;
Follow school procedures governing entry and behaviour on school grounds, including any restrictions that may be imposed.
This Code of Conduct is intended to ensure that students, staff, parents and other visitors are not subjected to behaviours that wound their feelings, arouse anger, resentment, disgust or outrage. Failure to abide by this Code of Conduct may lead to limited access to the Academy staff and grounds. For more details, please see the Parent Handbook.
Important contacts
Kids Helpline
1800 551 800
Kids Helpline is a 24-hour, seven day a week counselling service for Australian young people aged between 5 and 25 years. Kids Helpline talk to more than 6,000 kids each week, about all sorts of problems. Young people can access Kids Helpline by calling 1800 551 800 or visiting their website.
13 11 14
Lifeline offer a free 24-hour telephone counselling service. Anyone can call Lifeline at any time. As well as providing telephone counselling, Lifeline can provide you with information about other support services available in your area. You can contact them by either calling on 13 11 14 or visiting their website.
Child protection
If you are a victim of child abuse or know a child needing protection contact Child Protection Service in your area.